The Woodlands Mutual Water Company

San Luis Obispo County, California


8:00am-4:30pm M-F: (805) 540-5208


24 HOUR LINE: (805) 546-3618

Water CCF to Gallon Converter

The Woodlands MWC measures water consumption in CCFs or hundred cubic feet. Use our online converter to easily convert CCF to gallons. Go to the converter.

Mission Statement

WMWC management and staff strive to provide our shareholders with a reliable and safe water supply at a reasonable cost, while providing the highest level of customer service.

The Woodlands Mutual Water Company (WMWC) of San Luis Obispo County is a corporation organized under the laws of California for the purpose of providing water and sewer services to property owners on approximately 957 acres situated on the Nipomo Mesa – commonly known as “The Woodlands”. WMWC was formed for the purpose of serving water to its shareholders at cost. The purpose of a mutual water company is not to make a profit, but to charge such fees and rates for the services it provides as are necessary to acquire water and to build, operate, and maintain a water and sewer system in the community.

Nipomo Mesa Management Area (NMMA) Technical Group

2024 Key Well Index Public Statement Released

Supplemental Water Prepayment Option

DTA Additional Information

Consumer Confidence Reports

2023 Consumer Confidence Report

News & Information

Woodlands Mutual Water Company


On 05/30/2023, the Board of Directors enacted a rate increase of 4% on the supplemental water charge. This increase applies to the portion of the supplemental water charge that relates the cost of purchasing supplemental water and the operation of the system. It is necessary to keep pace with inflation. The charge on your bill will depend on whether you previously pre-paid the capital cost for the supplemental water project. The adjusted charge is summarized below:

For those who pre-paid capital: Charge increases from $57.81 to $60.12 (increase of $2.31, or 4%)

For those who still pay capital: $90.02 to $92.33 (increase of $2.31, 4% only applied to operating/water cost)

This change was effective 11/1/2023.

Woodlands Mutual Water Company Water is SAFE and drinkable

Important Information regarding COVID-19 – Please read.

Our drinking water supplies remain safe during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. WMWCo customers can, and should continue to use and drink water from their tap as always.

Federal and State regulated disinfection processes adhered to by our operations team effectively inactivates all disease agents. Water system operators are designated as first responders in the Homeland Security Act of 2002, and are exempt from government mandates to remain at home.

Our operations team, Fluid Resource Management and our Management/Administration team remain available to assist with any concerns you might have. Please call our offices at (805) 540-5208 with any questions Monday -Friday, 8am to 4:30pm, and the after-hour emergency line for urgent items outside of those hours at (805) 546-3618.

Our operations staff FRM has issued the following message.

COVID – 19 Sampling at Woodlands

The Woodlands Mutual Water Company (WMWC) has been testing our community’s sewage for evidence of COVID-19 RNA gene fragments in the wastewater flow.

Table T-1 summarizes the most resent sample results and will be updated as new data is collected.

Please contact us with any questions you may have regarding the data.

COVID 19 Wastewater Detection Level
Table T-1